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"God has CALLED us to raise the army of

SUPERNATURAL artists and change the SOUND of the EARTH one LIFE at a time." 


 “In that day I will restore David’s fallen shelter—
    I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins—
    and will rebuild it as it used to be, 12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear my name,
declares the Lord, who will do these things."

                                                                                     Amos 9: 11-12


Everything that is born of God is born with purpose and destiny. In order to carry out the purpose, a vision is needed that guides and directs it. Although strategies and structures are necessary, without a vision that sets them in motion, the purpose goes astray. 


It is written, “Where there is no vision, the people go astray; Blessed are those who are obedient to the law!” Prov. 29:18 


The vision determines how the purpose is accomplished. The mission is what defines the purpose in its entirety. The mission can be called the “divine assignment” for your life or ministry. 

It is important to understand that every ministry born of God has both: vision and mission. God never creates anything without purpose, that is: without vision and mission. Moreover, we can specify that everything created by God has a mission or a divine assignment and vision is the vehicle that facilitates its implementation.


The vision determines how the purpose is accomplished. The mission is what defines the purpose in its entirety. The mission can be called the “divine assignment” for your life or ministry. 

It is important to understand that every ministry born of God has both: vision and mission. God never creates anything without purpose, that is: without vision and mission. Moreover, we can specify that everything created by God has a mission or a divine assignment and vision is the vehicle that facilitates its implementation. 


Habakkuk 2: 2-3 

“…And the Lord answered me: Write the vision, and make it stand out clearly on the tablets, so that it can be read straight. 3 For the vision will be realized at the appointed time; march towards compliance, and will not fail to be fulfilled. Although it seems late, wait for it; because without fail it will come.”



A divine vision is not fulfilled overnight, but involves a process. The Biblical design and the model that Jesus showed us was very simple and works in every part of our mission. It is important to highlight that the vision process is carried out 

by manifesting the supernatural power of God at each stage of the vision. We cannot achieve eternal results using strategies or operating naturally with human strength. Everything requires the intervention of the SUPERNATURAL power of God. The result is revelation, delivery, activation and mobilization with growth, multiplication and expansion always. Every living organism grows naturally.


The process of the vision consists of 4 COLUMNS  or stages clearly defined:






Following the great commission of the Lord we begin with the first stage which is "go and bring the good news to every creature ..." There are different sources to evangelize: the new believers come by: 


  • The call to salvation from the altar 

  • In the meetings of groups such as the Houses of Peace 

  • Testimony and personal sharing in the streets, schools, jobs, universities, neighborhoods, friends and family 

  • The media (social networks, radio, internet, written press, television) 

  • Social works, community outreach work 


Why do we say it is supernatural EVANGELISM? 

It is important to remember that wherever the gospel of the Kingdom is preached or shared, the signs will follow. Not only do we testify or preach the Word, but we also MANIFEST the Word of power, which proves to the most incredulous that God is God of power through miracles, healings, prophetic words and words of science. 

Mark 16:20 

“The disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord helped them in the work

and confirmed their word with the signs that accompanied it”.



The tools that God has given us at this stage include: The Word of God, our personal testimony, prayer, and the supernatural power of God through the manifestation of healing, deliverance, inner healing and miracles..



It is important to offer each new believer a follow-up and ensure that they come to connect with the body of Christ. At this stage it is founded, it is affirmed, the decision of the New Believer is secured, and the appropriate follow-up is given until they develop the basic foundations of his new life in Christ, so that they will later become part of a discipleship group. It is important that they know they are now part of the family of Christ. The affirmation incorporates them into the family



 It is important to learn from the model that Jesus left us for the success and development of our lives. Discipleship is about relationship. It is to create lasting relationships based on the love of Christ and His purpose for us. The mentor and disciple relationship is an earthly copy of our relationship with Him as our teacher and mentor. Through discipleship, the disciple not only grows in knowledge of the Word, but also in the character of Christ. The mentor invests his time, his talent and his treasure also to teach, train, equip, activate and shepherd the heart of each disciple. The stage of discipleship never ends, as the constant and continuous GROWTH of the person is sought.


The discipleship stage never finishes because we seek a constant and continuous GROWTH in each person.



Sending completes the purpose for which we invest in lives. To take them to their moment of service, or send them to go to give by grace what was given to them one day by grace, and gives purpose and value to the experiences they have lived. There is no better and effective way to grow than to serve - service that is born from a grateful heart. A well-formed character will always bear fruit in other lives. At this stage the person is ready to be the leader of a “house of peace” or to be a mentor.

 ©TDAMIAMI /2016

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