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Rev. IDANIA MARIN  - Pastor Spiritual Growth Dept.
Idania was born in Cuba and after a long and dangerous crossing across borders She managed to escape the clutches of communism and reach the United States. In 1992, (on February 14, Valentine's Day) she fell in love forever with our Lord Jesus to whom she gave her life. She began serving in the church where she trained as a Sunday school teacher and in summer schools; Together with her husband, she began working with marriage groups, giving teachings and workshops to couples.

Idania studied medicine at the Medical School of Cuba, where she did a general medical internship. After arriving in the United States, she became a phlebotomy technician and graduated as a nursing assistant.  Idania has been part of different discipleship, she finished the first level of the INSTE course; and completed a year at the school of leaders at King Jesus Ministries She has taken seminars and workshops for couples; seminars for economic development and church accounting systems; Pedagogy and children's education workshops, among others. She has finished her Master's degree at the LOGOS Theological University from which she is a graduate.

In 1999, she joined the ministry and worked in both Glory Music, and Glory Worship Institute as a teacher. In addition to serving as a pastor and teacher, she is a leader, speaker, counselor, mentor who flows in the prophetic with the authority of the Holy Spirit.


Rev. TANIA BRITO - Pastor Evangelism Dept.

Pioneer in her home and instrument used by God to bring her family to the feet of Christ. Tania has walked with the Lord for over 29 years and has dedicated her life to serving him. In the early years, Tania served in the music ministry in the church where she trained as a keyboard player, also worked in the leadership of the youth ministry for that same church. In 1991 she married Humberto Brito and moved to the city of Miami where she began attending her husband's church. In this place, Tania served in the music ministry for a time with her husband and was a youth department leader for over 8 years. Both she and her husband became faithful aids to the pastor until in 2004, God moved them from that ministry and united them to the vision of the Worship Tabernacle.

Tania has a bachelor's degree as a teacher at Montclair State University in New Jersey and has trained at the Anabaptist Institute where she obtained 2-year certification; leadership seminars and growth of the ministries of Morris Cerrullo, among others; training for leaders and pastors; seminars for marriage counseling, workshops for pedagogy and development of ministry of children and adolescents; courses to equip young people. She has taken Youth for Christ seminars and worked with a translator of manuals for Miami Rescue Mission. She and her husband are active in P.A.C.E. (Parent's Association for Christian Education), which is dedicated to training and establishing homeschooling or home-schooling.

Mother of 3 children, she is a leader, teacher, counselor, pastor and speaker used by GOD to activate and impart the supernatural power of GOD through His Word and His Presence.

She is the director of Community Connexion, working with agencies such as Share Your Heart, Childrens Trust, One Voice among others; She runs a monthly prayer group with various community agencies and has participated in prayer calls from the commissioners' offices in Miami and City Halls. Together with her husband, Humberto are licensed chaplains in the state of Florida.



Born in Caguas, Puerto Rico in a Christian crib, Madeline grew up in a home where the Word of God was an essential part of life, however she had a personal encounter with Jesus at  an Alberto Motessi  crusade  in 1988 where she gave her life completely to the Lord . Within her formative years, Madeline served in the Baptist church as a youth leader and event coordinator. She helped raise a group of clowns who preached the gospel to the children and work with pantomime ministry. In 1993 Madeline coordinated and produced a historic event in the eastern area of ​​the island: a musical entitled, "People Need to Know", which featured a cast of more than 25 actors which brought many young people, adults and children to the feet of the Lord. As a leader among young people, Madeline was always fascinated in the development of the arts in the church.


Graduated from  Sacred Heart University with a bachelor's degree in Communications and graphic design, Madeline has placed all her knowledge, her talents and her passion at the service of the Lord and the advancement of the Kingdom of God here on earth. She has vast Biblical knowledge having attended and being certified by various ministries partaking in conferences, training seminars; workshops for young people and children.


In 1996 God joins her the New Song Ministries team, distributing music and coordinating Doris Machin's agenda. She has traveled and served the ministry of Doris Machin for over 20 years.


Currently, she is a Creative Pastor serving full time. While continuing to coordinate the international agenda of Pastor Doris Machin and traveling with her.



Rev. AMPARO COLON - Pastores Dept. of Usher and Servers

Minister Humberto Brito - Dept. of Families

Minister LUIS MARIN - Men's Ministry

Teacher LAURA CALDERON - Administrative offices




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